

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. 我实在告诉你们, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, 你为我做的.    (马太福音25:35-40)


Bishop Blanchet strives to inspire students to transform the world around them through a lifelong commitment to faith, 奖学金和服务. In giving of their time and talents, they will live the Gospel values of courage, 社区, 希望, 爱, 怜悯, 正义, 谦卑, and discipleship by acting beyond their own self-interest and in solidarity with others. Through working with various nonprofit organizations, students will come to a greater understanding of the world in which they live and the in正义s which need their courageous action.


每学年, each Blanchet student will complete 20 hours of service under the direction of nonprofit organizations in any (or all) of the following focus areas: 

  • 动物 & 环境

  • 儿童(13岁或以下)

  • The Elderly or the Disabled

  • People Experiencing Poverty

  • School and 信仰 Communities

Ten service hours must be entered in  移动服务 到2025年1月10日. All 20 hours must be entered in MobileServe by May 2, 2025. Students will also need to respond to the grade-level reflection question(s) in 移动服务 in order to receive credit for their hours each year.

Students may volunteer for a maximum of ten hours at Bishop Blanchet events, and/or their previous school communities, and/or their places of worship under the focus area School and 信仰 Communities. Examples of approved service include, 但不限于, the Bishop Blanchet Freshmen Welcome, 开放的房子, 等. regardless of who is served by that event. (Note: 服务 in this category is not required.) The remaining hours must be completed with an approved nonprofit organization in any of the other categories. Anyone who has questions about this new focus area are encouraged to contact the 服务 Coordinator.

Approved organizations must be 501(c)3 recognized by the State of 华盛顿 as a nonprofit. Students volunteering with an organization not listed on the approved list, will need to submit the Approval Request Form, and have it approved by the 服务 Coordinator before serving at the event. Students serving at an event that was not pre-approved may have their hours denied.

  • Students may not miss school to earn service hours

  • Students may not do more than 4 service hours on a school day or 8 hours on a non-school day

  • Independently organized projects will not be accepted (i.e. making food at home and distributing it downtown, helping a neighbor).

  • Family members cannot verify hours


How to Get 服务 Hours Approved

Option 1: Once service hours have been entered in 移动服务, an email is sent to the supervisor for verification. After the supervisor verifies the hours, the hours will need to be approved by the Bishop Blanchet 服务 Coordinator. Students will receive email notifications from MobileServe when hours have been approved or denied.

Option 2: While doing service, students can utilize additional features via the MobileServe app to verify their service hours. In order to verify without email approval from a service provider, the student must provide all four of the following through the MobileServe app:

  • An email address of the supervisor while doing the service 

  • GeoTag verifying your location at the time of the service

  • Signature from the supervisor at the service location

  • Picture of you doing the service

After all four of these are done, the hours will need to be approved by the Bishop Blanchet 服务 Coordinator. Students will receive email notifications from MobileServe when hours have been approved or denied.


On the map above, you'll see mapped locations for many of our 预先批准的服务地点. Organizations that operate at a variety of sites are not mapped at this time. Click on any of the green map pins for more details about the organization. Click View Larger Map (partial square in upper right corner) to open in a new window.